Much was made a couple of years ago of the Russian Sphynx Cat that was tattooed by its owner. The rather unflattering picture of the sedated Sphynx still circulates as a curiosity amongst some, and an abomination amongst others.
Personally I think tattooing an animal for decoration is intriguing. Many Sphynx owners dress up their cats and put necklaces on them. I know there will be people out there that dress up their Sphynxes who would say tattooing is cruel.
Tattooing is done already in cats and dogs for medical and identification reasons, under the same conditions that a decorative tattoo is done. I know it is controversial to say I don’t have much of an issue with it, I still wouldn’t have my Sphynx done because she is so darn cute in their natural form and unnecessary anesthesia is always to be avoided.
Most Sphynx owners I have spoken to have, at one time or another, drawn on their Sphynx…..
People have also been decorating their Sphynxes online using Photoshop and other programs to give the appearance of being tattooed. Some are so good it is hard to tell the difference.
I couldn’t close without highlighting the opposite Sphynx tattooing and that is getting your Sphynx tattooed on YOU.
Now, this is awesomely extreme!

Hi! I am Vlad, I am a big fan of cats and dogs. Here on SphynxCatBlog you will find posts about cat facts, tips for keeping your pets happy and healthy, sewing patterns for clothes (because we all need to look good) - as well as other fun posts that cover everything from the most bizarre cat behavior to fascinating stories about our little furry friends. Read more about me & my cat Sonya